Pretty simple game: Be the last person to post in this topic!


1. Posts must be complete sentences...Or at least more than just a couple words. (exe: NO posts like "Hi guys")

2. Post must be a random and stupid/jibberish comment. (exe: "You are hairy like ANIMAL")

3. Posts can be anything: Movie quotes, lyric quotes (heck, even the full lyrics to a song) , a random link to a random website (keep it clean, and NO advertisements) anything that is a full sentence and is funny/stupid.

4. NO DOUBLE POSTS! It doesn't help you to post twice in a row with this game, so please don't do it. This is not an excuse to boost your post count, so make sure you only post once, and then wait until at least one more person has posted to post again.

5. Feel free to supplement your posts with pictures! Just keep them within a reasonable size.

What does the winner get?
- A free CR:U t-shirt of any color (any color that we have available in your size)
- 2 free CR:U stickers
- A picture with you standing infront of your car (or just your car, whichever you prefer) on display on CR:U's homepage for a month!!


How do we determine who wins?
The first time this topic goes one full week (7 days, 168 hours) without a post, the last person who posted will win the prizes!

(All posts non-abiding to the rules will be deleted, please play along!)

*SET ?*


(I will go first)

It's peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
